What is ADHD/ADD?

ADHD/ADD is a neurological disorder that can have lasting impacts on children and adults alike. Children typically show symptoms of the disorder starting at an early age, such as being overly active or restless for most hours of the day, struggling to focus in school setting due to distractions from their classmates who may be talking loudly nearby them while they are trying to complete assignments.

They also tend not having friends because it's hard for other kids when this child has trouble paying attention during playtime with others- which he will do without thinking about what might happen (i.e., running into someone else). Adults often struggle with organizational tasks and maintaining healthy relationships; ADD individuals find difficulty staying focused throughout work days despite great intentions to be focused.


When to see a doctor

Call your doctor if you or your child have ADHD/ADD symptoms that:

Started at an early age (around 12) and continue to affect performance in multiple settings like school, home, work, and relationships. It must be noted the symptoms need to last for six months before they are considered a disorder by doctors of psychology. Proper diagnosis is important as it allows people with ADD/ADHD more opportunities instead of being labelled something else!


Scientists still don't know what causes ADHD, but they do know it's hereditary. If you have an uncle or parent with the disorder chances are that you'll develop it too!

Diagnosis and Tests

Doctors diagnose ADHD by gathering different kinds of information and comparing it to an accepted medical definition. The tools they use are:

Questionnaires, which ask questions about symptoms in different settings as well as stress levels and coping styles; for a school-aged child, questionnaires will be used to gather more information about the child’s classroom behavior and academic performance.

Medical History: Your doctor may also examine your medical history so that he or she can compare this data with other factors such as family history or trauma experienced during childhood.

A physical exam is an important part of the evaluation for ADHD. This allows doctors to find other conditions that may be contributing to symptoms, as well as any potential complications or side effects from medication therapies.


Despite the vast number of different treatments for ADHD, one common aspect that unites all is their effectiveness in reducing symptoms.

Medicines: The most popular treatment for this disorder are medicines which help to improve a person's ability to focus and manage thoughts more effectively while simultaneously improving mood levels among those who suffer from it. However, medications do not cure the condition or teach new skills; instead they allow people with ADHD an opportunity to get back some control over themselves by better regulating emotions so as not become overwhelmed by them when things go wrong.

Counseling: One of the best ways to cope with ADHD/ADD is through counseling. Counseling helps people who have this condition learn how to express their feelings and interact better in social situations, which can lead to a higher self-esteem over time. One type of counseling that may be helpful for those suffering from ADHD/ADD is behavioral therapy; it teaches them new skills such as focusing on current behaviors instead of past events or future worries so they feel more confident about themselves today (not tomorrow). It's also important not only for you but also your family members around you know what exactly these symptoms are because different sensations come along with each individual case - some might forget something while others hyperfocus on one thing!

Education: There are many ways to get educated on ADHD/ADD. There is online information, books and classes in the community that can help you learn more about this condition. Support groups for parents of people with ADD or teachers who work with children with ADD may also be helpful when it comes to managing these individuals better because they share your concerns and teach best practices from their experience working directly as a teacher (for example).

Education on how to deal well or manage people diagnosed with ADHD involves learning about what causes the disorder so one knows why certain behaviors happen at different times during day-to-day life; there are resources available for those looking into further understanding such an affliction like websites, communities offering education courses including parent training programs which offer insights obtained

Support Groups: Support groups may be the key to successfully managing ADD/ADHD. It is often very difficult for people with this disorder and their parents alike, but connecting with other families who are going through similar things can make a huge difference in your life. Finding someone you trust, or even just an understanding ear when needed will go a long way towards living positively with these disorders.


You might have heard that there are no prevention steps you can take to avoid ADHD, but don't be discouraged! Early diagnosis and treatment helps manage the disorder so your child has a better chance at life.

Support and resources

Other helpful online resources include:

  • Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
  • National Association on Mental Illness
  • National Institute of Mental Health
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, ADHD Resource Center
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics
  • The Lives in the Balance

DHD is often associated with problems in two subcategories of attention: sustained and selective. Sustained attention refers to the ability to concentrate or focus at a task over an extended period of time, while selective attention is the ability to concentrate on a specific task or stimuli. In individuals with ADHD, the executive functions - which involve aspects such as mental flexibility and planning - seem primarily responsible for their difficulties in sustained attention (Arbuthnott, 1999).

In contrast to problems with sustained attention, which are relatively easy to observe, problems with information processing are less obvious and require more detailed investigation. In this article, I provide an overview of different methods researchers have used to investigate the information processing characteristics of those with ADHD, especially focusing on their deficits in working memory .

Inattentive type. People with this type of ADHD consistently forget and lose things, are easily distracted and make careless mistakes, have trouble focusing and organizing tasks, don't follow through with activities on time or at all which can lead to a lot of missed opportunities such as homework deadlines or important meetings that were not attended.

Hyperactive-impulsive type: A person with this type of ADHD will be excessively active and impulsive. They might fidget or squirm in their seat, seem restless to the observer, have trouble being quiet for long periods of time (or at all), interrupt others when they are speaking, take turns too quickly without thinking about it first- two things that some kids do who don’t understand how taking turns works! These people also tend to run around a lot and climb on things inappropriately; but what makes them different from other children is that these behaviors come naturally rather than as part of an intentionally disruptive act. Kids can purposefully misbehave if they feel bored or want attention because most often such behavior gets rewarded.

Combined Type: To make up for the missing ingredients, some people with ADHD resort to stimulants and other substances. Combined type is the most common of all types because it shows symptoms in 3 different categories: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention; 50% - 75% of adults with have this variant.

Adults ADHD: ADHD is a disorder that affects many adults. It can present itself in different ways, such as difficulty concentrating or sticking with tasks and trouble remembering things like names, dates of birthdays, phone numbers etcetera (e.g.: making rash decisions). Its symptoms are not always clear-cut and may vary person to person; some people have ADHD but do not know it because they don't necessarily show any significant signs from the list above!