Relationships, Grieving, Bullying, Abuse

What Help Is Available for Children Dealing With Relationship Challenges, Grieving, Bullying or Abuse?

Relationships, Grieving, Bullying, Abuse Help for Children:

If you are a parent, grandparent or caregiver of children, it can be frustrating to see children act out in ways that seem extreme for the situation. It might even feel like these challenging behaviors happen more frequently than they should be. But what you may not realize is that some of the behaviors your child is exhibiting may stem from behavioral health problems such relationship challenges, grieving, bullying or abuse.

A relationship with a mental health counselor can be beneficial to identifying challenges and helping children cope.

Healthy relationships can have a positive effect on children's mental health which in turn are linked to happiness and reduced stress.

Additionally, some research suggests that children who are involved in healthy relationships tend to be more successful at school, maintain better physical health throughout their childhood years, and are more likely to grow up to be healthy adults.

Some possible signs of behavioral health problems in children include:

- anger/hostility toward parents or caregivers

- frequent displays of uncontrolled anger

- persistent sadness

- fearfulness relationships , grieving

- changes in social skills

- sleep issues

- withdrawing from friends

Relationships with behavior health counselors can help children learn skills to relate better with family, friends and teachers.